For more information, or to schedule a session with Adrianne please email her at, or give her a call at 907-957-1537.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ice Ice Baby

Unfortunately our neighbors were telling us the truth about winters in Juneau, they're icy. It snows a good 6 inches or more and it's beautiful. I can deal with snow, I don't mind it one bit. But then it rains... for days on end. And then it gets cold and EVERYTHING is ice. I don't like that. But it does make for some good pictures so I guess I will deal with it. At least for the next 989 days (not that we have a countdown going or anything).

1 comment:

  1. Agree with you about ice - can't stand it! Looking forward to seeing more of your photo's! Alaska's a place I've always wanted to visit ... maybe one day!
